Colls, the solution for your customer support
Charging for customer support has been around for a long time, but it's true that putting a premium-rate number can look a bit "cheap" for some modern companies.
With Colls you simply put a link and your customers can make an appointment or call you directly, depending on what you choose. You can choose to charge by the call or by the minute. Everything is pre-billed and you get paid at the end of the call. You'll love receiving calls on your Colls and doing your own customer support.
Discover the benefits of Colls
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In our blog you'll find news about us and the industry, as well as articles on how Colls works.

How to get a premium rate number in USA ?

How to Charge for Your Time on Phone or Video Calls?

How to Charge for Phone or Video Coaching?

How to Create a Premium Rate Number: Costs, Providers, and Alternatives

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